10 Ways to Naturally Manage Your Anxiety
Written by Hayley Andersen & Jodie Perkins
At some point in our lives, most of us have become familiar with the incredibly uncomfortable experience of anxiety. While it looks totally different for each of us, you might able to resonate with a few of the common psychological and physical signs of anxiety: a racing heart, racing thoughts, tight chest, trouble breathing, sweating, overthinking, ruminating about the past, worrying about the future, trouble sleeping, suppressed appetite, feeling sick in the stomach, nervous energy, overwhelming sense of doom and muscle tension. Anxiety can impact us on so many levels, and it can stop us from showing up in the world in the way that we really want to. Our self-confidence, sense of identity, social connections and the perceived value that we are to others can be impacted, because of anxiety. While over time, we might become familiar with the signs of anxiety, it’s difficult to become comfortable with the experience of it. Know that you’re not alone. Anxiety is a very common experience, and there is nothing wrong with you for experiencing it. You are human, you are beautiful and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Image credit @pause.initiative
Image Credit: @pause.initiative
Reaching out for support
Reach out for support to both formal and informal support networks. Formal supports
include your GP, Social Worker/Counsellor/Psychologist and holistic health practitioners, like a Naturopath, Acupuncturist etc. Informal supports include your friends, family, partners and colleagues.
Self Care Techniques
Learn about self-care techniques, find some that work for you and incorporate them into a self-care routine that works for you. Then, try to be fluid with this on a daily basis. Check in with yourself each morning and tailor your self-care routine to how you’re feeling. For example, on an anxious day, try taking it slow, calling a friend, drinking more herbal teas than coffee, burn essential oils, a nice candle, or play some calming music.
more sleep
Having anxiety can make it difficult to have a regular sleeping pattern, but there are a few things you can try to help get you to sleep.
Meditating in bed before you sleep
Playing soothing sounds; nature sounds, rain sounds, ocean sounds
Spray lavender on your pillow
Try taking some melatonin
Drink some herbal sleep tea before bed
No screen time an hour before bed
Write down a list of things that are on your mind if you have racing thoughts. Journaling is
really useful in reducing worry and anxious thoughts. It’s also a great way of getting to know yourself
Explore stress and relaxation strategies like meditation, mindfulness, yoga, stretching and exercise. My favourite app is Smiling Mind, Calm, & Insight Timer. They are great apps you can use daily to ground yourself in the present moment. You can even play some calming music
Small lifestyle Changes & Habits
Know that the seemingly small daily habits count for a lot over time & can achieve amazing results: a cup of tea outside, sitting in the sun for 5 mins, giving yourself a hand massage, and reading a good book can do wonders for your mental health. Don’t place pressure yourself to drastically change your life overnight. Small, seemingly insignificant changes have a really big impact on how we feel!
Diet and Health checks
Your diet plays a huge part in the way you feel everyday. I healthy diet & lots of water will contribute to lowering your stress levels. Quit coffee! Coffee can be a number 1 trigger, so if you are suffering with bad anxiety, try cut out coffee & alcohol and see how you feel. Get your energy levels checked! Low iron and B12 can contribute to the intensity of your anxious feeling and stress levels. Levelling these things out could dramatically change the way you’re feeling.
Keeping active
Daily exercise is proven to reduce anxiety. Even if its 10-15 minutes a day, make sure you fitting in daily active activities!
Trying Acupuncture
Trying Acupuncture is a great alternative if you are feeling high levels of stress and anxiety. Personally, acupuncture is absolutely incredible and is more relaxing than a massage. It can ease any tensions you might be feeling throughout your body and leave you feeling completely zenned out!
Routine& Organisation
Keeping a daily routine is helpful in managing those everyday stressed out thoughts. If you stick to a routine, you can easily manage tasks and avoid creating unnecessary tasks. I personally like to write a daily list starting with the most important and most challenging task of the day. The more you put off a challenging tasks, the more stressed out you will make yourself. Keeping your office space, bedroom, your house in order and tidy will help declutter your mind and think clearer.
How do you overcome the anxiety of comparing yourself to others?
This is where journaling & writing down your thoughts can really come in handy. When comparing yourself to another person, its very easy to forget about all the things in your life that are positive, and successful. When you are having these thoughts, go write down what you are proud of within yourself, or what you have achieved, or what you are grateful for in your life. Once you can see that things that are great or even better in your life, than it can become easier to not compare yourself to someone else. Also remember you are only seeing the best version of someone or someones life on social media, and they could be having struggles and insecurities of their own
How do I calm myself when I feel overwhelmed?
Take a step back at whatever you are doing or wherever you are and take some deep breaths. If you are feeling overwhelmed in a work situation, take a break, drink some water, get some fresh air and try to understand what it is you are actually feeling overwhelmed about. Majority of the time, what you are feeling overwhelmed about is minor, but is easily over exaggerated in your head. Maybe you think you’re behind in work, write down what it is you need to get done, and reassess if its as stressful as you’re believing in your mind. 9/10 its a lot less stressful than your mind is making you think.
how to manage anxiety while you are travelling?
Try understand where your anxieties are coming from. Money? Flying? Social situations? Getting lost? And try come up with a plan for that situation if it ever becomes too overwhelming. For example, if you get anxious flying, make sure you take a care kit with you. This could include having your meditations downloaded, download some relaxing music, essentials oils, herbal tea, your favourite happy movie downloaded, melatonin, paper bags to breath into, relax tablets.
How to help others who suffer with anxiety?
If a loved one is suffering anxiety, the best thing you can do is listen to them when they open up about their feelings. Tell them you understand and that you are there for them. Do not shrug it off, as it can make your loved one feel even worse and feel like they are alone in the situation. Let them know they are really strong and that you are there for them whatever they need. Show patience and understanding.
You can even do some research on the topic yourself and try gain a little bit more understanding and how you could help.
how to get family and friends to understand?
Be open and honest. Let them know exactly how you are feeling and ask them to please take it seriously. You can even back it up with some research. Something that better explains what you are feeling and what you are going through might make it easier for them to understand
When should I seek professional help?
If your anxieties are controlling your everyday life for long periods of time, seeking help can help to understand and control what you are feeling. I personally found it extremely helpful with overcoming some of my anxiety. Don’t be ashamed about seeking help, it shoes great strength to want to change and face your emotions.
how do I deal with a panic attack in public?
If you are suffering with panic attacks in public, be sure to carry with you a little care kit as mentioned above.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If someone can see your distressed they can comfort you or help you get somewhere safe.
Practice deep breathing. If you’re breathing is out of control, breath in and out of a paper bag to bring your heart rate down.
Get some fresh air.