Q&A Liebster Award Nomination

After being nominated by for the Liebster Award I had to jump on board and complete this Q&A to let you guys in on some unknown information about our travels. Special thanks to Find Us Lost for the nomination and sharing with us some special moments from your personal adventures. Such an aspiring travel couple! Love your work guys ;) Here are the 7 questions apposed by them for my nomination.

Tell us about your blog – how did it start and why did you decide to write one?

Growing up as a teenager I was always obsessed with travel bloggers and travel photography. It created so many huge dreams and aspirations for me watching women travel the world and documenting it so beautifully.  I always wanted to travel long term and share my journey through a blog, inspiring and encouraging others with big dreams to chase them! I wanted to be that person igniting a little fire in someone else's heart like other people had done for me. Obviously my mind was set in stone, so I made it happen and we booked a one way ticket to London. It all just began from there.

What is one of your favorite travel memories?

Oh gosh sooo many! A stand out for me was meeting this local Moroccan man in the fortress city of Art Benhaddou where we were welcoming into his small home that was filled wall to wall with amazingly beautiful and intricate rugs handmade by the women in his family. We sat with him for hours talking about his life and family in Morocco, sipping on the local mint tea, and admiring the handwork of the extravagant amount of rugs he had hanging in his home. I honestly remember smiling so hard my cheeks were burning. You can read the full story on my post To Live For The Unexpected.

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Processed with VSCOcam with q1 preset

What made you fall in love with traveling?

My first ever overseas trip to Thailand when I was fifteen :). I went with my sisters and my mum for two weeks & instantly was addicted with that feeling of traveling to somewhere completely out of the world you are used to. I knew from there I would be travelling a hell of a lot when I was old enough!

What’s on your travel bucket list for 2017?

We are heading back to Greece for the summer for a few months & after that we really want to go to Jordan & Turkey!

What are some of the most memorable meals you’ve had while traveling?

I am totally obsessed with Greek food. Definitely my ultimate favourite European cuisine! Saganaki cheese and anything with eggplant is my fav :P

Also really fell in love with the authentic street Thai food! Papaya Salad & Pad Thai is my choice.

What do you enjoy photographing the most while traveling?

I probably enjoyed photographing our time through South East Asia mostly. Particularly Philippines, as there are places there that you don't regularly see in travel magazines or Pinterest. Sometimes places have already been so photo documented it can easily skew your own style when photographing it yourself.

If you could give one piece of advice to a fellow traveler, what would it be?

Travel with an open mind! Do not set huge expectations in your head about somewhere because it will always be different to what you have imagined. Its easy to get caught up in that perfectly painted picture of what you may think a traveling/backpacking lifestyle is. In saying that travel is one of the greatest ways to live and learn :) I can happily say I love my life and its crazy adventures!

The rules of the Liebster Award are..

Thank the blogger who nominated you

Answer their questions

Nominate 5-10 other travel bloggers who ideally have a following of under 1000 on a social media channel

Ask them 5-10 questions of your own

My nominations..

World Else

Here & Air

Travel Junkie Diary 

The Limitless Ones

Behind the Quest

My questions to you..

What inspired you to pursue a life of travel & share it all through your blog?

What do you look for in another travel blog?

What are you favourite travel essentials?

Where is the next big destination you are visiting?

What are your words of advise for other people striving to start up a travel blog?

What do you find most challenging about writing a travel blog?

What is your essential camera gear you carry on you?
